- Assessing Prior Knowledge
a. Assessing prior knowledge is an important factor in planning a lesson plan. The students have been at this point exposed to the many different graphs. However, this time it was their first experience in making the bar graph using technology. The first time I did not really was thinking so much about their skills in technology.
b. Now I would definitely make sure that students are familiar with using computers such as logging in (knowing their password), typing a website etc.
a. According to our feedback, we should have linked the bar graph usage to some life experiences. For instance, how bar graphs help us in organizing gathered data. In presentations, bar graphs are a great visual tool to compare/contrast data. They are also used very often to display statistics.
b. It is crucial to link subjects taught at school to some life experiences. This helps students to relate to the content much better and they see why learning this topic is important for their future life.
a. Our instruction were stated and presented in a way that it was easy for students to follow and understand. The only instruction/procedure that we did not think at first was the "thumbs up/thumbs down" strategy. We have observed the groups incorporating it into their lesson and decided to use it as well.
b. I would love to use Smart Board in instruction if it is available. This helps students to interact and is more "hands-on" activity. This would allow the students to come up to board and vote/touch the screen with their answers.
a. The students emailed us their completed bar graph. Although, it was not technically our fault. The provided website did not support any sort of confirmation. This was very confusing to many students, therefore we should have stated this issue at the beginning of their work.
b. In the future it is crucial to take into consideration that some aspects that may not go as planned.
- Instructional Decisions/Teaching
a. Teaching with a partner is definitely a valuable experience and despite some great oral agreements. We still have come to some difficulties in our teaching.
b. Next time, I would try to go over the content of the lesson with my partner in some deeper manner.
a. Our rubric may have been a little confusing for students because it did not state the points. Another great way of challenging the students would be adding some higher order thinking level questions. This would provide us even better overview of students comprehension of the bar graph - why and how it is used.
b. I think that students were on task and following directions because this was a fun learning. Having students motivated is a key in a successful teaching/learning.
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